i get more emails on weekdays
glamour blogs update on weekdays
i compulsively check my bank of america account online, and i hate it when transactions are listed as "pending" because it's such a state of limbo. i like weekdays because that's the only time when transactions can go from pending to posted.
on weekends, the only eatery open on main campus is subway, so meals when i'm at the library on weekends are generally unpleasant.
two days until i return home. it feels unreal. last night and the night before, i watched you've got mail and packed. yesterday studying at the library looking out the window at campus, it felt strange that i'd be leaving. i haven't been home since january, probably the longest i've gone without seeing home (okay, it's not that long, but it is for me). it's funny to spend half the year in one place and half in another and to have both feel right (although nothing can beat home home).
i love the movie you've got mail. i ordered it last night from amazon, along with lonely planet's shanghai guidebook. the writing/dialogue/script of the movie is so good:
Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life. Well, not small, but valuable. And sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void.
there's a lot to wonder about. sometime this summer when i'm feeling particularly reflective and pensive, i'll pour all my conflicted thoughts out to you.
i dropped off charley and mojito with kelsey last night. they'll be summering in peoria, il.
i thought i was over the rainboots, but i'm not. what do you think of this pair? they're very similar to the ones i wanted before, but the dots are in a grid pattern. they will also ship out in 1 to 2 days, so i won't be frustrated like i was with the last pair.

okay, off to lunch with yj & kelsey. finance exam tonight (last one!), followed by grading micro exams maybe at a coffee shop. at this point, i'd rather take my exam than grade, but the prospect of yummy coffee drinks makes it bearable.
take care. ^_^
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People should read this.
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