
making breakfast this morning for my mother went superbly, although breakfast turned into lunch because i hadn't realized ahead of time that the almond-date crusts for the blueberry tartlets needed to be chilled for two hours before they could be assembled. i jumped out of bed at 8:30 (sans alarm clock!) and ran off to the grocery store for a mango and fontina. the weather is perfect early in the day, and the roads are so peaceful on weekend mornings.
i want to make tapenade now because i have the food processor and a full jar of green olives in the fridge. there's a recipe in nancy silverton's sandwich book, but all her spreads are made by hand with a mortar and pestle. last summer i wanted to buy a set, so i went to the gourmet kitchen store, but they only had gigantic ones in stock. my dad wasn't happy that i brought home a food processor, so i don't think he'd like it if i brought home a giant marble/granite/whatever mortar and pestle. i think my next kitchen gadget will be an ice cream maker.


Angela Lee said...

mimi dear, i get home monday night and don't start work until friday. when do you want to get together?

Anonymous said...

The breakfast still looks good--I really want to get a food processor, too, but I've also considered a mortar and pestle. I couldn't think up one single instance that I would need it, so I haven't gotten one yet.