1. slipped down the stairs, wet from dew or melted snow, as i was leaving my apartment for a morning run. bruised bottom & elbow.
2. had a really good run in the park. it was 65 degrees yesterday! everyone was out.
3. returned, sweaty from the run, ready for a shower. the hot water apparently had gone out so it was freezing cold.
4. was at my desk reading for my environmental & energy issues class when suddenly, my overhead light went out. when i tried to turn it back on, all it did was make a chirping noise. since it's the weekend, maintenance isn't around, so i'm living on my desk lamp & bedside lamp. my roommate walked past my door & asked why i was sitting in the dark.
5. had the chance to catch up over a nice dinner w/friends.
6. attempted to make a lemon tart. put the tart in the oven on a cookie sheet. inevitably, the cookie sheet contorted when it got hot & so the pie dish was sitting at an angle, spilling out filling on one side. frustrated, i finally remembered i had a potato in the fridge, so i wrapped it in foil & used it to weigh down the edge of the cookie sheet. success. unfortunately, i discovered this morning the tart was undercooked (prob b/c of all the time it spent out of the oven when i was trying to get the cookie sheet to lie flat), so i threw it back in the oven. i think i left it for too long b/c now it is very... "golden brown." roommate: "i thought it was going to be more yellow."
made "julia's turkey meatballs" from gwyneth's GOOP newsletter. i didn't have/use fennel seeds, had to use half canned tomatoes & half fresh, used regular breadcrumbs instead of panko & substituted dried basil for all the fresh herbs. amazingly delicious!!
my food writing assignment for this week is to write about a cuisine we know little about. our teacher suggested going to a local restaurant or market to sample the cuisine firsthand, but since my transportation options are limited, i've decided to cook a signature dish of the cuisine at home instead & write about that experience. i've picked afghan food, & i'll be making a kabul-style chicken & rice dish of sorts tomorrow. : )
1 comment:
i fell down and bruised my butt too :( stupid ice...
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