i spent all day yesterday sleeping on the couch and waking up occasionally to shuffle around the first floor (didn't feel up for any stair-climbing), get a new ice pack, take meds, watch some tv, etc. holding a book and reading felt like too much effort. i felt lightheaded and slightly queasy, very sluggish and grumpy during the periods when the painkillers were wearing off but before i could take them again. my mother made me eggs and freshly squeezed orange juice. it's nice to be babied. ^_^
the painkillers hurt my appetite. they made me throw up too~yuck~but i felt a lot better afterwards. i wasn't allowed to have dairy yesterday, but i made a delicious smoothie w/a banana, blueberries, pineapple, and soy milk. today i get to have ice cream! yay.
i perused the pottery barn summer catalog. everything is so beautiful and perfectly coordinated. seaside living would be amazing. i really want to live in california someday. i feel inexplicably drawn to the ocean. but ocean views are very different from under the ocean for me:
i watched whale rider the other day. the underwater shots of the ocean and whales, i associate them with death. that's what i imagine death to be like, with its eerie quietness, the floaty quality, isolation, and lack of orientation. maybe things like the titanic and the awakening have prompted this sort of association. i know, creepy turn of events in this entry. let's move on.
i got some good ideas from the catalog for ways to use all the shells i've collected over the years and ways to display photographs in a cool, casual way. i'm painting today. i created an awesome playlist to listen to while i paint. i have a huge canvas that i bought last summer--this will be the third painting i paint on it (i was unsatisfied with the last two). the painting will be largely black and white, based on one of the photographs of a magnolia bloom that i took in south carolina. i think the b & w will look good with my chartreuse walls.
speaking of magnolia blooms, my friend gracie moo (well, actually her name's grace but i have 2 friends named grace so this will differentiate them) has a giant magnolia tree in front of her house. grace, sooyoung, & i hung out together on monday (i had to squeeze it in before i got my teeth pulled). we got indian food for lunch (omg i love) and then went shopping, looking for super cheap clothes. we tried on bunches of summer dresses at marshall's and then went digging through the clearance racks and $1 section at target. wrapped up the afternoon with italian ice & custard @ rita's. i had such enormous fun. i have such great friends. i love them. ^_^

last friday, sooyoung, crystal, & i went to paint pottery. i painted a mug that'll be ready for pickup on friday afternoon. i can't wait to see how it turns out! afterwards, i went to angela's~she hosted a get-together of friends to put together care packages for our soldiers--not just in iraq, but all over the world. there's a website www.anysoldier.com that links up soldiers w/those like us who want to help. they request things like personal care items, food, magazines, etc. i mailed out a care package for some soldiers in the air force in iraq--they requested school supplies for the local schools they work with. we just have to ship it to an army post office in new york or cali & they ship it to wherever the soldiers are abroad. regardless of politics, it's a very worthwhile, very simple thing to do. it's great that angela organized the whole thing and made it happen. too often we just talk about things and do nothing.
ange is one of the people who inspire me. i've known her since middle school. in high school, we did "political" things together--we went to hear howard dean speak for the maryland dems, we volunteered for the kerry campaign and worked the polls on election day since we weren't old enough to vote yet. she goes to unc now, studying public policy & bio. she listens to npr, reads a lot, has an inquisitive mind, and tries hard to keep up with world events/politics. she keeps me informed too, and she inspires me to keep myself informed. i admire her. :)
i think the base coat for my painting has dried. back to painting now.
I loved the pics of you shopping! You girls are so cute!
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